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Isopore™ Membrane Filters

Polycarbonate membrane for microscopy and visual analysis

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Guide d'achat

White Membrane Filters · Catalogue No.Supprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
RéférenceDimension de poresDiamètre du filtre (⌀)Conditionnement
VCTP025000.1 µm 25 mm 100
VCTP142500.1 µm 142 mm 50
VCTP047000.1 µm 47 mm 100
VCTP013000.1 µm 13 mm 100
GTTP013000.22 µm 13 mm 100
GTTP025000.22 µm 25 mm 100
GTTP037000.22 µm 37 mm 100
GTTP047000.22 µm 47 mm 100
GTTP090300.22 µm 90 mm 30
GTTP142500.22 µm 142 mm 50
HTTP013000.4 µm 13 mm 100
HTTP025000.4 µm 25 mm 100
HTTP037000.4 µm 37 mm 100
HTTP047000.4 µm 47 mm 100
HTTP090300.4 µm 90 mm 30
HTTP142500.4 µm 142 mm 50
DTTP025000.6 µm 25 mm 100
DTTP047000.6 µm 47 mm 100
DTTP013000.6 µm 13 mm 100
ATTP013000.8 µm 13 mm 100
ATTP037000.8 µm 37 mm 100
ATTP047000.8 µm 47 mm 100
ATTP142500.8 µm 142 mm 50
ATTP025000.8 µm 25 mm 100
RTTP013001.2 µm 13 mm 100
RTTP025001.2 µm 25 mm 100
RTTP047001.2 µm 47 mm 100
RTTP142501.2 µm 142 mm 50
TTTP025002.0 µm 25 mm 100
TTTP047002.0 µm 47 mm 100
TSTP025003.0 µm 25 mm 100
TSTP047003.0 µm 47 mm 100
TSTP142503.0 µm 142 mm 50
TSTP013003.0 µm 13 mm 100
TMTP013005.0 µm 13 mm 100
TMTP025005.0 µm 25 mm 100
TMTP047005.0 µm 47 mm 100
TMTP090305.0 µm 90 mm 30
TMTP142505.0 µm 142 mm 50
TETP013008.0 µm 13 mm 100
TETP025008.0 µm 25 mm 100
TETP047008.0 µm 47 mm 100
TCTP0130010.0 µm 13 mm 100
TCTP0250010.0 µm 25 mm 100
TCTP0470010.0 µm 47 mm 100
TCTP1425010.0 µm 142 mm 50

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Brown Membrane FiltersSupprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
RéférenceDimension de poresDiamètre du filtre (⌀)Conditionnement
GTBP013000.22 µm 13 mm 100
GTBP025000.22 µm 25 mm 100
GTBP047000.22 µm 47 mm 100
HTBP013000.4 µm 13 mm 100
HTBP025000.4 µm 25 mm 100
HTBP047000.4 µm 47 mm 100

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Références bibliographiques

Aperçu de la référence bibliographique
Urea transport in kidney brush-border membrane vesicles from an elasmobranch, Raja erinacea
Robyn L. et al,J. experimental biology, 206, 3293-3302, 2003; internal ref BB04
J. experimental biology, 206, 3293-3302, 2003; internal ref BB04  2003

Comparison of microporous membrane morphologies using confocal scanning laser microscopy
Charcosset C (reprint), et al.
Journal of membrane science. 2000. v168, n2, p53-62  1999


How do I clear my Millipore filters?It is possible to clear Millipore filters by choosing a clearing agent with the same refractive index as the membrane. This is called the PORE FILLING TECHNIQUE. Filters appear opaque because of the diffraction of light through the tortuous pores. Filling the pores with a liquid that has the same refractive index as the membrane (ex. xylene for MF filters) allows light to pass through the filter at a uniform speed thus rendering the filter transparent. This technique can be used for most membrane filters with a single refractive index. The refractive index for Durapore membrane is 1.42 and for MF membrane its 1.50.

Please note that this does not work for polycarbonate membranes because these membranes have more than one refractive index (1.62 and 1.58). If desired, the porous structure can be dissolved from Isopore polycarbonates by dissolving the filter in chloroform, methylene chloride or 1-methyl-2 pyrrolidone.
What is the blue separation paper between my filters?It is a parchmentalized paper specially formulated for Millipore Corporation.
How do I tell the membrane from the separator?The blue paper is the separator.
Which side of the membrane should I use, the shiny or dull side?Most researchers may not even notice that there is a "sidedness" to filters, and, for most applications, orientation will not affect filter performance. However, membranes do have a slightly asymmetric pore structure: the shiny side of the membrane is the "tighter" side. In some applications, you can take advantage of this difference by selecting a specific filter orientation. ultrafiltration membranes should always be used shiny side up, regardless of application for drop dialysis ( a buffer exchange technique in which a few drops of DNA or protein are placed in a 0.05 or 0.025 um filter and floated on a buffer solution), apply the sample to the shiny side of the filter and float the filter dull side to the buffer. This measure will enhance buffer exchange and discourage sample loss. The Millipore Express and Express Plus membranees are also sided - these membranes should be used shiny side facing down.
What is the difference between pore size and pore size distribution?Whereas pore size is a measure of the diameter of the largest pore, pore size distribution is a measure of the range of pore sizes. The range of pore sizes can be normally distributed, and the spread can be quite narrow (e.g. the ratio of largest to smallest may be less than 2). On the other hand, pore size distribution can be very heterogeneous. In the case of large spreads and heterogeneity, the pore size will be far less predictive of flow rate (either filtration or capillary) than it will be for a membrane with a narrow pore size distribution. It is important to note that the pore size corresponding to the bubble point is not at the middle of the distribution, but is the largest pore.
Is Polyvinylpyrolidone (PVP) toxic to cell growth on our Isopore membrane?PVP coated membranes are not suitable and will not support the attachment of cells to the membrane. PVP in Millicell-PC membranes has been validated for hybridoma cell growth and subsequent antibody production and found to be non-toxic. PVP is generally considered non-toxic and for a while was used in vivo as a plasma expander.