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Solvents for Analytical Applications According ACS

With EMPARTA®, Merck offers solvents specified according ACS for all less-regulated applications and routine tasks. From the raw materials used to specifications, packaging, and documentation, every aspect of EMPARTA® solvents is designed to make your analytical lab applications most efficient and cost-effective.

Compared to EMSURE®, EMPARTA® grade solvents come with fewer test parameters. Still, their specifications cover all important parameters, ensuring reliability and reproducibility of your analytical results. EMPARTA® solvents meet the requirements of the American Chemical Society (ACS) which makes them ideal for a wide range of analytical applications. They are packaged in 2.5 l bottles and 25 l stainless steel drums.

Catalog Number Catalog Name
107048 Acétate d'éthyle
103034 N,N-Diméthylformamide
107019 Toluène
107018 Méthanol
107024 Chloroforme
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