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Packing Materials for a Successful Start

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LiChrosorb® HPLC columns and sorbents

LiChrosorb® is one of the most successful and reliable HPLC packing materials on the market. Its use in thousands of chromatography applications has been documented for more than 35 years. The totally porous irregular particles of LiChrosorb® are finely classified in the 5 and 10 μm range.

A complete portfolio of packing materials is offered, including non-polar derivatives (RP-8, RP-18, RP-select B), polar derivatives (Si 60 and Si 100), and derivatives of medium polarity (NH2, CN and DIOL). In addition to analytical HPLC cartridges and columns, such as LiChroCART® 250-4 or Hibar® RT 250-4, Merck supplies LiChroCART® 250-10 cartridges and Hibar RT 250-10 columns for semi-preparative HPLC, which can be packed with different LiChrosorb® materials upon request.

Specifications of LiChrosorb®

Packing materialLiChrosorb® Si 100LiChrosorb® RP-8LiChrosorb® RP-18
Characteristics Irregular particles of silica medium pore size: 10 nm (100Å), suitable for normal phase chromatography Irregular particles of silica with octyl derivative, suitable for reversed phase chromatography and the separation of neutral, acidic and weak basic compounds Irregular particles of silica with octadecyl derivative, suitable for reversed phase chromatography and the separation of neutral, acidic and weak basic
Spec. surface area SBET (m2/g) 300 300 300
Pore volume VP (ml/g) 1.0 1.0 1.0
Particle size dP (μm) 10 5,10 5,10
%C - 9.5 16.2
Sur- face cover- age (μmol/m2) - 3.4 3.0


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