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High Efficiency, Sensitivity and Reproducibility

Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Chromatography/LE-TLC and HPTLC-Proteochrom Cover-150x190-03112014.jpgProteoChrom® HPTLC plates are optimized for highly efficient, incredibly sensitive separations, especially for the analysis of peptides and protein digests. The plates’ enhanced separation and staining procedures. For maximum convenience, each ProteoChrom® package includes an insert sheet with detailed instructions for solvent systems, running conditions and staining solution.

ProteoChrom® HPTLC Cilica Gel 60 F254 Plates

Based on an extra-thin layer of Merck’s high-performance silica gel, ProteoChrom® HPTLC silica gel 60 F254 plates provide highly efficient separation characteristics for 1-D analysis of peptides and protein digests. Thanks to their special binder composition, the plates are also highly stable in water, thus ideal for use with aqueous solvent systems. Up to 20 peptides can be resolved, and as little as 1-2 ng per band can be visualized. 

ProteoChrom® HPTLC Cellulose Sheets

Alternatively, ProteoChrom® HPTLC cellulose sheets are based on an extra-thin layer of optimized microcrystalline cellulose. Specially created protocols for development and staining enable straightforward 2-D analysis in only 4 hours.

Features and Benefits

  • Highly reproducible: Optimized separation & staining procedures
  • Convenient: Easy-to-follow, detailed protocols included
  • High detection sensitivity: Extra-thin layers of 100 μm
  • Highly stable in water: Ideal for use with aqueous solvent systems

Application Examples

2-D separation of single protein digests on ProteoChrom® HPTLC cellulose sheets
Cytochrome C tryptic digests were 2-D separated on a ProteoChrom® HPTLC cellulose sheet followed by either: (A) Fluorescamine staining, or (B) Ninhydrin staining.

2-D separation of single protein digests on ProteoChrom® HPTLC cellulose sheets

1-D separation of single protein digests on ProteoChrom® silica gel plates
Tryptic digests of various proteins were separated on a ProteoChrom® HPTLC silica gel 60 F254s plate followed by either: (A) fluorescamine staining, or (B) ninhydrin staining.

1-D separation of single protein digests on ProteoChrom® silica gel plates

Separation of a tryptic digest of b-casein
The densitogram depicts a tryptic digest of b-casein separated on a ProteoChrom® HPTLC silica gel 60 F254s plate followed by fluorescamine staining, and scanned with a CAMAG TLC scanner III in fluorescence mode at UV 366.

Separation of a tryptic digest of b-casein

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