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Reagents, Chemicals and Labware

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Organic Synthesis
Inorganic Reagents
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Analytical Quality Control with Inorganic Reagents

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 Customized Chemicals for Organic Synthesis
Customized Chemicals for Organic Synthesis
Discover the benefits of our customized products for organic synthesis.
 Trust Your Titration Results
Trust Your Titration Results
Smart and safe packaging system for titrant solutions.
 EMSURE® Salts, Acids, Caustic Alkalis and Bases
EMSURE® Salts, Acids, Caustic Alkalis and Bases
High quality salts, acids, caustic alkalis, and bases for analysis.
 Analytical Quality Control with Inorganic Reagents
Analytical Quality Control with Inorganic Reagents
Certipur® Certified Reference Materials and high purity reagents for elemental analysis help you ensure high quality through our extensive portfolio of products for quality control.
 ISO Guide 34
ISO Guide 34
This video features the most recently certified products and explains the benefits of these products for regulated Pharmaceutical and Food & Beverages production.

Certified Reference Materials and High Purity Reagents for Elemental Analysis

The new video on elemental analysis gives an overview of the different product ranges mainly for trace metal analysis:
  • Certipur® CRM; ICP and AAS standards
  • Auxiliaries for AAS; spectroscopic buffers and matrix modifiers
  • Suprapur® acids and salts; high purity acids and salts for trace analysis
  • Ultrapur acids; high purity acids for ultra trace analysis
  • Spectromelt® fluxes; reagents for XRF sample preparation