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Environmental Monitoring Solutions

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Are You Ready to Start?

Cleaning alone is not a guarantee that you are ready to start production. Most contaminants, whether microbiological or chemical, cannot be seen by the naked eye.

  • Was the cleaning agent rinsed off?
  • Was the disinfectant concentration correct?
  • Will your monitoring system work with the cleaning materials and disinfectants?

Environmental monitoring is essential in today’s industries. It not only avoids risks to consumers and producers, but also saves time and reduces costs. Merck provides a complete solution to you stay on the safe side. With high-quality products, excellent service and professional expertise, we provide more safety than meets the eye.

Let’s Take a Closer Look!

Most contaminants are invisible to the naked eye. Allthough single micro-organisms, as well as those carried on particles, are fairly small, they pose a severe threat to the safety of products and brands: every year, several hundred products have to be recalled, resulting in financial and image losses.

At Merck, we believe that the solution to this problem is not only simple but also cost-efficient: with our complete portfolio for environmental monitoring, we cover

The relatively low costs of monitoring result in improved quality and increased safety – and in the reduction of overall expenses.

To keep expenses low in the long-term, Merck offers a comprehensive range of high-quality monitoring and testing solutions that help you keep your facilities safe. With our environmental monitoring solutions, you can conveniently check surfaces, equipment and air quality for contaminants – getting answers rapidly and reliably.

Since our products have been developed in close cooperation with users and authorities, they are tailored to the customers’ needs and follow international guidelines. What’s more: as a one-stop-supplier, we also offer a wide range of services, including IQ/OQ, maintenance, calibration, product validation and application. No matter what your environmental monitoring requirements, you’re in safe hands with Merck.


Join our Webinar June 30th

Secure your disinfection control & hygiene monitoring,
Stay compliant with food manufacturing regulations. We have 2 sessions to match your time zone.
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Compliant Listeria monocytogenes

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