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Total Viable Count (TVC)


Culture Media for Total
Viable Count Testing

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For total viable count (TVC) testing in the food and beverage industries, Merck provides a significant range of high quality dehydrated culture media. TVC covers all microorganisms in a food product when samples are cultured under optimal conditions. As one of the tests conducted to ensure consumer safety, total viable count is used as a quality indicator in the food and beverages industries. It can be used for measuring the hygienic quality of a product, the effectiveness of procedures like heat treatment, the condition of raw materials, and the hygienic condition of equipment.

Ideal Media for Determining Total Viable Count (TVC)

The high quality, consistent media that Merck provides for the enrichment, isolation and enumeration of indicator organisms are available in a variety of formulations as dehydrated culture media in the form of granules.

Merck’s uniquely granulated culture media are not only convenient but also safe, meeting the highest industry performance standards as described in ISO 11133. Granulated media cause significantly less dust than powdered media when used in the lab. Dust reduction leads to less inhalation of hazardous media components that may cause allergic responses. In addition, it minimizes contamination of the work environment.

All Merck media are quality controlled according to stringent standards. This guarantees the consistent high quality of our microbiology products.

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TVO Total Viable Organisms

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