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Clostridia & Sulfite Reducing Anaerobic Bacteria


Testing for Clostridia / Sulfite-Reducing Anaerobes

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For the enrichment, isolation and enumeration of Clostridia / sulfite-reducing anaerobic bacteria, Merck provides dehydrated culture media that meet the needs of microbiological testing in the food and beverages industries.

Clostridia: Anaerobic Pathogens

Clostridia are an extremely polyphyletic class of Firmicutes that include Clostridium. Their lack of aerobic respiration distinguishes Clostridia from the class of Bacilli. Because oxygen is toxic to them, Clostridia are obligate anaerobes and most of their species are gram-positive. They can be found in decaying vegetation, marine sediment, in soil and the intestinal tract of humans and other vertebrates. Most Clostridia species are non-pathogenic but some of them produce the most potent biological toxins. C. perfingens is responsible for food poisoning C. tetani is responsible for tetanus infections and C. botulinum causes botulism.

Sulfite-Reducing Anaerobes (Clostridia)

The spores of sulfite-reducing anaerobes (clostridia) are widespread in the environment. They are present in human and animal faecal matter, in waste water and in soil. The spores survive in water for long periods as they are more resistant than vegetative forms to the action of chemical and physical factors. They can be an indicator of ground water and drinking water contamination. Sulphite-reducing Clostridia reduce sulphite to sulphide at 37° C within 24 hours. Clostridium perfringens is the most important organisms of this species. It is often associated with fecal contamination.

Ideal Media for Clostridia / Sulfite Reducing Anaerobes

Merck provides high quality media for the enrichment, isolation and enumeration of Clostridia / sulfite reducing anaerobic bacteria. These consistent culture media are available in a variety of formulations as dehydrated culture media in the form of granules.

Merck’s uniquely granulated culture media are not only convenient but also safe, meeting the highest industry performance standards as described in ISO 11133. Granules cause significantly less dust than powdered media, leading to less inhalation of hazardous media components that cause allergic responses. In addition, they minimize contamination of the work environment.

All Merck media are quality controlled according to stringent standards. This guarantees the consistent high quality of our products.

Detection of Clostridia / Sulfite Reducing Anaerobes

Detection of Clostridia / Sulfite Reducing Anaerobes

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