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Passive Air Monitoring


ICR and LI Settle Plates

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Safe Manufacturing at Any Time

Passive air monitoring using settle plates is an important complement to active air sampling methods in environmental monitoring. Settle plates (also known as sedimentation plates or settling plates) allow for semi-quantitative determination of microbial contaminations in the air. They are also suitable for personnel monitoring, e.g. for monitoring gloves. What’s more, Merck settle plates are easy-to-use, enabling continuous and efficient monitoring for micro-organisms during production processes.

Merck’s passive air monitoring solutions are perfectly tailored to the requirements of a large variety of applications. For example, our triple-bagged and gamma-irradiated ICR Settle Plates are perfectly designed for use in clean rooms and isolators. For non critical areas and other environments, our single-bagged LI settle plates are the ideal choice. These solutions all provide an important benefit: They meet all relevant international standards and regulations, including EU cGMP regulations, FDA Aseptic Guidance and USP <1116>.

Settle Plates
Settle Plates

Merck’s settle plates are available as gamma-irradiated and non-irradiated for use in isolators, critical and less-critical clean rooms.

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