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Settle Plates for Microbial Air Monitoring 


Settle Plates for Monitoring of Critical and Less Critical Areas

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Reliable Solutions for Active and Passive Air Monitoring

Merck’s high-quality settle plates (also known as sedimentation plates or settling plates) are perfectly tailored to the requirements - the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. For example, our tripled-bagged and gamma-irradiated settle plates branded ICR are specifically designed for use in critical clean rooms and isolators. For other controlled environments, use our single-bagged LI Settle Plates. These solutions all provide an additional benefit: They meet all relevant international standards and regulations, including EU cGMP, FDA Aseptic Guidance and USP <1116>.

To fulfill the requirements for controlled areas, Merck’s gamma-irradiated ICR and settle plates are triple-bagged in their final packaging. The 90 mm settle plates are filled with 30 ml of media to enable longer incubation periods of up to 7 days for the detection of microorganisms such as yeasts and molds. The settle plates are packed in boxes of 2 x 10 plates; the inner bag is impermeable to H2O2 and includes a pouch containing a drying agent to minimize condensation.

heipha ICR/ICRplus Settle Plates
ICR/ICRplus Settle Plates

The ICR/ICRplus settle plates are gamma-irradiated and triple-bagged for use in critical clean rooms and isolators

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heipha LI Settle Plates
LI Settle Plates

The LI Settle Plates are non-irradiated and single-bagged for use in less critical clean rooms.

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Active Air Monitoring

There is an increasing need for effective air monitoring in all areas where airborne microorganisms may contaminate or affect industrial products and processes. Air monitoring is therefore particularly important for all companies that manufacture in clean room areas with filtered air. Active air monitoring with settle plates or contact plates requires the use of a microbiological air sampler to physically draw a certain, pre-determined volume of air and pass it over the agar. The plate is then removed from the air sampler and directly incubated, allowing visible colonies to develop and subsequently be counted. The number of visible colonies gives an estimate of the number of colony forming units in the sampled air.

Settle plates from Merck are ideally suited for use with the MAS-100® range of microbial air monitoring systems. These are capable of handling high flow rates and the large sample volumes necessary to monitor air quality in highly critical clean rooms where the number of microbes present is likely to be very low.

Passive Air Monitoring

Passive air monitoring is usually performed with settle plates (also known as sedimentation plates or settling plates) – standard Petri dishes containing culture media that are exposed to the air for a given time and then incubated to allow visible colonies to develop and be counted. Viable biological particles sediment out of the air and settle onto the plate’s surface over the time of exposure. Settle plates are useful for qualitative analysis of airborne microorganisms and for revealing trends in airborne contamination. They are also suitable for personnel monitoring, e.g. gloves. What’s more, Merck settle plates are easy-to-use, enabling continuous and efficient monitoring for micro-organisms during production processes.

MAS-100® Air Sampler Systems


Air Sampler Systems

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Enhance Your Workflow With IsoBag™

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