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Genome-Wide ChIP

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Genome-Wide ChIP Assays

Genome-wide analysis of ChIP-isolated DNA, either by microarray hybridization (ChIP-chip) or by sequencing (ChIP-seq), reveals how regulatory and structural proteins bind and interact across a genome. ChIP-chip can be performed using promoter or genomic tiling arrays. For ChIP-seq, ChIP fragments are analyzed using a genome sequencer. Although proteins with many binding sites can require deep, costly sequencing runs, advances in high resolution sequencing are lowering the cost of this high content, rapid analysis method.


ChIP-Seq facilitates genome-wide profiling of the interactions of transcription factors, modified histones, and other chromatin associated proteins. By combining chromatin immunoprecipitation with next generation sequencing, laboratories can generate high resolution data on protein-DNA interactions across the genome. For laboratories interested in gaining a deeper understanding of epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation, ChIP-Seq has become an indispensable tool.

Get effective ChIP and reliable next gen sequencing library construction from limited amounts of DNA with Merck’s New Magna ChIP-seq Kit.


This high content approach provides insights into how regulatory and structural proteins, such as transcription factors and histone subunits, bind and interact with the genome. Immunoprecipitation of these protein-DNA complexes through high quality antibodies selective against post-translational modifications, combined with promoter or genomic tiling microarrays, identify sequence-specific DNA binding sites with precise resolution.

As the leading provider of ChIP solutions, Merck offers innovative tools for epigenetic research. Our comprehensive portfolio of ChIP reagents, based on the expertise of Upstate, now includes our new Magna ChIP2 kits for performing ChIP-chip analysis. ChIP-chip is a powerful technique that helps bridge the gap between proteomics and genomics, and is capable of characterizing complex regulatory networks on a genome-wide scale.