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Home>Events>Merck Biotech Academia
April 27, 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey
Vibrant M Merck

We are pleased to invite you to the
Merck Biotech Academia in Istanbul.

During this event, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Share scientific knowledge and network with peers to gain insights into latest industry trends, best practices and innovations in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical processes.
  • Discover our newest technologies, products and services during interactive workshops on upstream, downstream, final fill and integrity testing.
  • Learn more about our End-to-End Solutions to accelerate your molecule development.

Meet our experts and explore our new combined competencies of Merck and Sigma-Aldrich.

For more information, please contact Neslihan Cansever:

We look forward to seeing you.


27 April 2017

08:15 - 08:30Kayıt / Registration
08:30 - 09:00Hoşgeldiniz / Welcome
 Gerd Walter - Sales Director
09:00 - 09:45Latest update in Biosimilars world, trends, regulation in mind
 Dr. Jennifer Campbell - Director Worldwide Biosimilars Market
09:45 - 10:30Regulatory service for biotech development and production
 Dr. Katty Remington - Process Solution Services BioReliance
10:30 - 10:45Kahve Molası / Coffee Break
10:45 - 11:30Industrial update presentation / Turkey + Expectations
11:30 - 12:30Workshop

Upstream Workshop
Around the Bioreactor
Dr. Ulrike Schneckenburger
Chromo Media
Single-use in DSP
Buffer in DSP
Dr. Xiaoli Li
Dr. Jonas Anders
Final Fill
Single-use Assemblies
Sterile Filtration
Gerd Walter
12:30 - 13:30Öğle Yemeği / Lunch
13:30 - 14:30Merck Stand Alanları / Market Place
14:30 - 15:30Workshop

CHOZN Platform
CCM Platform
Single Feed
Compacted Media
Media Dev.
Dr. Rainer Ebel
Tangential Flow
Filtration and Virus Filtration
Dr. Xiaoli Li
Integrity Testing and Techniques
with Single-use Assemblies
Claudia Di Toma
Can Buyukkalkan
15:30 - 15:45Kahve Molası / Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:15BioReliance® End-to-End Solutions, Merck Biodevelopment
 Alain Rachon - Director Business Development
16:15 - 17:00Panel Forum led by:
 Bert De Vet - Head of EMEA Pharma Processing
17:00 - 18:00Kokteyl / Cocktail
 At Merck Stand Alanları / Market Place

Agenda subject to change. Attendance of the Merck Biotech Academia is limited and available to pharma/biopharma manufacturers and academics only. The offer does not extend to any company that provides products or services to the pharma/biopharma industries. Merck reserves the right to revoke or refuse participation at any time. Attendance is free, though registration is required. Lunch and coffee breaks are provided courtesy of Merck. Travel costs and hotel accommodation are at the expense of the attendees.

We are Now One

Merck Millipore + Sigma-Aldrich =
the life science business of Merck

Operating in the U.S. and Canada
as MilliporeSigma

Venue Information: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Harbiye Mahallesi, Asker Ocagi Caddesi, No:6, Süzer Plaza, 34367 Istanbul/İstanbul, Turkey