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132253 TOC Standard Solution - (TOC Standard Solution)

traceable to SRM from NIST 500 mg/l TOC in HO

132246 TOC Standard Solution - (TOC Standard Solution)

traceable to SRM from NIST 5.00 mg/l TOC in HO

125032 COD Standard Solution - (COD Standard Solution)

traceable to SRM from NIST 1000 mg/l in HO

132229 Chloride Standard Solution - (Chloride Standard Solution)

traceable to SRM from NIST 10.0 mg/l Clˉ in HO

125022 Ammonium Standard Solution - (Ammonium Standard Solution)

traceable to SRM from NIST 0.400 mg/l NH-N in HO

125024 Ammonium Standard Solution - (Ammonium Standard Solution)

traceable to SRM from NIST 2.00 mg/l NH-N in HO

133023 Nonionic Surfactants Standard Solution - (Nonionic Surfactants Standard Solution)

traceable to USP 5.00 mg/l Triton® X-100

125052 Sulfate Standard Solution - (Sulfate Standard Solution)

traceable to SRM from NIST 400 mg/l SO in HO

125027 Ammonium Standard Solution - (Ammonium Standard Solution)

traceable to SRM from NIST 50.0 mg/l NH-N in HO

125028 COD Standard Solution - (COD Standard Solution)

traceable to SRM from NIST 20.0 mg/l in HO