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Resource Center for Architects and Engineers (A&E)


A&E Resources

Merck:/Freestyle/LW-Lab-Water/resource-center/images/AE-TotalWaterSolutions-200x189.jpgWhether you design, engineer or plan new laboratories, or renovate or expand existing facilities, you may need to specify water purification systems. With over 50 years’ of experience in the water purification business, Merck can help you select the appropriate water purification configuration for your client. Perhaps the right fit is a central system with a feed water loop or a stand-alone final polishing system—either way, Merck will partner with you to provide the right solutions.

Total Water Solutions Guide

Based on our extensive experience as a partner of architectural and engineering (A&E) firms worldwide, we’ve developed an outstanding reference for your use: the “Total Water Solutions Guide.” This tool will guide you through the major steps in every pure water installation project, helping you design and configure the most efficient total pure water system for your clients.

A wealth of information awaits you, ranging from an overview of water contaminants and purification technologies to details about pre-treatment, pure water make-up systems, polishing systems, storage and distribution solutions, as well as sections on water quality monitoring, service and validation concerns.

In addition, Merck’s Architects and Engineers Seminar Program gives you the opportunity to learn more about water purification and our products and/or assistance from Merck in planning your next project.

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Clinical Laboratory Reagent Water Systems

Complete Solutions for Blood Typing Monoclonal Antibodies video

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