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Encapsulated Magnetic Microspheres


Coated Magnetic Estapor® Microspheres

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Coated magnetic Estapor microspheres

A range of bio-activated microspheres are available as SuperParamagnetic; Magnetic bio- separation; or bio purification of antigens, antibodies and nucleic acids with Estapor® coated microspheres are both simple and reproducible techniques.

They provide an easier, faster and lower cost alternative to column purification, centrifugation or extraction with organics solvents.

We are proud to offer you our complete product line of pre-activated magnetic microspheres, coated with the most universal molecules for diagnostic applications: Streptavidin, and anti-mouse IgG. On simple request, we can produce your specific coated beads.

Streptavidin coated Estapor® magnetic microspheres

In order to allow you to select the best support for your specific application, our Magnetic Beads have been modified with Streptavidin.

The use of streptavidin microspheres in Bioseparation, Biopurification or Biodetection is based on the very high affinity of streptavidin for biotin labeled molecules.

The streptavidin -biotin interaction is very strong (Kd = 10-15M) and allows the separation, purification and detection of biotinylated molecules under different pH conditions (3-10), buffers (0.01-3.0 M salt, and detergents such as SDS or Tween 20 without influence.

Our streptavidin coated magnetic microspheres provide an efficient solid-phase for separation or purification of all kind of biotinylated biomolecules, including antigens, antibodies or nucleic acids from different sources such blood, sera, tissues and food.

Anti-mouse coated Estapor® magnetic microspheres

Immuno-precipitation: The use of anti-mouse IgG magnetic coated beads

Immuno-precipitation is a procedure by which proteins or peptides that react specifically with an antibody are removed from solution and examined by SDS-PAGE for quantity or physical characteristics (molecular weight, iso-electric point, etc.). This technique provides a rapid and simple means to separate a specific protein from biological liquids (plasma, sera, or urines), whole cell lysates or cell culture supernatants. Additionally, one can use immuno-precipitation to confirm the identity or study biochemical characteristics, post-translational modifications, and expression levels of a protein of interest. Among the many purposes, Immuno-precipitation can be used for:

  • Determination of the MW of immuno-precipitated proteins by 1-DSDS-PAGE.
  • Determination of the iso-electric point of immuno-precipitated proteins by 2-D SDS-PAGE
  • Confirmation that a specific protein (or antigen) of interest is synthesized in a specific tissue
  • Determination and Characterization of the carbohydrate residues present on glycoproteins (radio-labelling).
  • Determination of precursor-product relationships (pulse-chase labelling).
  • Quantification of synthesis rates of proteins.

Microspheres based purification significantly lowers the possibility of cross-contamination and loss of proteins that are common if centrifugation, solvent extraction, chromatography or gravity precipitation methods are used. Purification using microspheres is also less labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Recent advances in purification technology have efficiently lowered labor and cost for proteins of interest.

Clinical Laboratory Reagent Water Systems

Complete Solutions for Blood Typing Monoclonal Antibodies video

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